Mini Projects

The First Aid Kit for Teams

Working together isn’t always easy, but to do amazing things you need to figure out your problems as a group and push through to the solution. Whether you’re facing a roadblock coming up with new ideas, having trouble getting on the same page, or just in need of some team bonding, use the activities in this toolkit to get things moving again. You got this.


Project RED and BLUE

The study about red ocean and blue ocean strategy was really interesting for me. Before reading about it I could have never even imagined that such strategy exists. For me all the domaines that I now consider to be in red ocean was everything a company need to be. But after reading about it I came to understand how these big players in the corporate world are totally on the wrong side of the horizon. Instead of aspiring to be in a tough competitive segments, companies should built their own market. This not only will help them in being the leaders in the segment but also could be game changing for them. Even though I feel like once a company is successful in a new market segment it will eventually turn into a red ocean as more and more people start adopting the same business model.

Part one of my project is a lamp that lights up blue and red. Through this lamp I wanted to look at various companies that operate in red and blue ocean. One side of the lamp is red and the other side is blue. There are separate light for both side and when you turn off blue the entire lamp becomes red. This is symbolic to how every market will eventually turn red if you don’t keep innovating. The lamp also has a sound element. I wanted to have static sound to the red ocean side to symbolise crowded and saturated market place and ocean sound to the blue ocean side to connect it with freedom and openness.

The second part of the model is two sets of 17 dominoes each. One set is all about red ocean strategy with some of the keywords and name of company that operate in it inscribed in the dominoes and the other set is about blue ocean with its keywords and some companies that work in the blue ocean. The purpose of making dominoes was to depict how fragile and interdependent red ocean strategy could be. Like dominoes if one company fails(falls) it takes rest or at least a bunch of other with itself. Whereas same pieces of dominoes if placed at a distance with some space around them would have no effect on the other companies if anyone of them fails(falls).

Both these parts relate to the red ocean and blue ocean strategy and describe how these strategies could effect the overall economy of the world. Be it conversion of the various blue ocean into red ocean or the effect of saturated and crowded market place in the red ocean as opposed to blue ocean.

Evolution of Aviation and Its Impact on Economy

Flying has been one of the most passionate ambitions of mankind. Ever since we learned to walk and discovered wheels, the next step was flying. Instances of people attempting to fly in some way or the other dates back to 1700s. But it was not until 19th century that we started to make some concrete progress in the area. Over the nearly 100 yrs since the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk we’ve seen wonderful advances in aviation technology. From first passenger flight in Florida to supersonic Concorde. All these innovation have improved our life is ways we couldn't have ever imagined. From traveling across continents to just sending courier to someone 1000 miles away. From providing 63 million jobs directly or indirectly to facilitating trade among countries in carious parts of the world. Aviation has played a huge role into making globalisation, global. These improvements, however, have not been consistent. We’ve had periods of rapid growth in aviation technology and aircraft development, but over the past 3 decades the overall technical progression in aviation has somewhat stagnated. But its time to move on to the next stage of aviation. Will it be jetpack or hypersonic planes? Or more sustainable solar planes? We will have the answer to these questions in the next decade.